Case Report

Müllerian Serous Cystadenoma of the Scrotum Following Orchiopexy

Figure 1

Histological and immunohistochemical features of the scrotal serous cystadenoma at the side of an orchiopexy 14 years earlier. (a) Low magnification shows a tubulocystic tumor (between large arrowheads) surrounded by connective tissue and embedded in the dartos fascia (asterisks). Note its connection to the epidermis by a sinus (1) lined by cornifying stratified squamous epithelium and opening at the surface (arrow). (b) Detail of metaplastic noncornifying stratified squamous epithelium (2) passing into a single-layered columnar epithelium of the tubulocystic system (3) in the deepest part of the sinus. (c) Cystic papillary component. (d) Detail of a fibrous papilla covered by characteristic tall columnar epithelium with ciliated cells (small arrowheads). (e) Cytological and immunohistochemical characteristics discriminating the tumor from other scrotal and intrascrotal lesions. Vim: Vimentin; ER: Estrogen receptor; PR: Progesterone receptor; Calret: Calretinin; SMA: Smooth muscle actin.