Research Article

A Population-Based Study of Peyronie's Disease: Prevalence and Treatment Patterns in the United States

Table 4

Summary of Peyronieā€™s disease symptoms in participants with symptoms, treatment, or diagnosis (n = 283).

Statistic or categoryParticipants (n = 283) (n, %*)

Lump or bump under skin of penisYes60 (21)
No222 (79)

Unusual firmness or hardened tissue under skin of penisYes69 (21)
No210 (79)

Lump/bump, firmness, or hardened tissue affect the shape of penis (if yes to either 1 of the above 2 symptoms, š¯‘› = 8 7 )Yes48 (37)
No39 (63)

Significant bend or curve compared to a younger age (erect penis)Yes177 (59)
No106 (41)

First penis-related symptom noticedLump or bump under the skin24 (11)
Area of unusual firmness or hardened tissue under the skin13 (4)
Significant bend or curve not previously noticed95 (32)
Indentation on 1 or both sides7 (2)
Noticeable narrowing of the penis (hourglass or bandlike)4 (2)
Hinge-like folding of penis during sexual intercourse7 (3)
Shortening of penis20 (10)
Head of penis less hard26 (12)
Painful erections4 (<1)
Pain during sexual intercourse5 (2)
Erections not hard enough for sexual intercourse51 (20)
Other8 (3)

*Percentages are weighted averages of the stratum-specific estimates.