Research Article

Extended Use of The Spanner® Temporary Prostatic Stent in Catheter-Dependent Men with Comorbidities

Table 7

Adverse events related to the procedure/device.

Adverse eventsin/N (%)Events

Asymptomatic bacteriuria25/107 (23.36%)29
Pain10/107 (9.35%)10
Urinary urgency8/107 (7.48%)8
Urinary frequency6/107 (5.61%)6
Dysuria6/107 (5.61%)6
Voiding difficulty6/107 (5.61%)6
Hematuria5/107 (4.67%)5
Urinary incontinence4/107 (3.74%)5
Urinary retention4/107 (3.74%)5
Symptomatic urinary tract infectionii4/107 (3.74%)6
Penile pain3/107 (2.80%)3
Residual urine3/107 (2.80%)3

Display of adverse events reported by 2% or more of all enrolled patients by MedDRA preferred code. (i) The following AEs were reported by less than 2% of the patients: urinalysis abnormal (2/107; 1.9%), bladder discomfort (1/107; 0.9%), calculus urinary bladder (1/107; 0.9%), cloudy urine (1/107; 0.9%), nocturia (1/107; 0.9%), painful erection (1/107; 0.9%), postvoid dribbling (1/107; 0.9%), and pus cells in urine (1/107; 0.9%). (ii) Symptomatic UTI definition based on then current CDC guidance. Urinary Tract Infection (Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) and Non-Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)) and Other Urinary System Infection (USI)) Events, January 2015.