Research Article

Extended Use of The Spanner® Temporary Prostatic Stent in Catheter-Dependent Men with Comorbidities

Table 8

Procedure and/or device-related adverse events for patients in the Continuing Access Program.

CAP AEn/N (%)Events

Bacteriuria2/12 (16.67%)5
Hematuria1/12 (8.33%)1
Urinalysis abnormal1/12 (8.33%)3
Residual urine1/12 (8.33%)1
Urinary retention1/12 (8.33%)1
Symptomatic urinary tract infectioni1/12 (8.33%)2

Display of all adverse events reported by all patients enrolled in CAP by MedDRA preferred code. (i) Symptomatic UTI definition based on then current CDC guidance. Urinary Tract Infection (Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) and Non-Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)) and Other Urinary System Infection (USI)) Events, January 2015.