Review Article

Orthopoxvirus Genes That Mediate Disease Virulence and Host Tropism

Table 1

Orthopoxviral Bcl-2-like proteins.

ORFSize, aaORFSize, aaORFSize, aaORFSize, aa

Inhibition of NF- B and IRF3 activation by interacting with MyD88, TIRAP and TRIF, and TRAMA46R214A49R240A47R240A52R240
Inhibition of NF- B activation by interacting with IRAK2 and TRAF6A52R190A55R190J6R71
Inhibition of NF- B activation by interacting with IKK complexB15R149B13R149B13R149B14R149
Inhibition of NF- B and IRF3 activation by interacting with IKK complex and TBK1, apoptosis inhibitorN1L117Q1L117P1L117P1L117
Inhibition of NF- B and IRF3 activation by interacting with IRAK2, TRAF6, and DDX3K7R149M6R149C6R149C4R149
Inhibition of IRF3 and IRF7 activation by interacting with TANK, NAP1, and SINTBADC6L151C14L156D11L153D9L156

VARV-IND: VARV strain India,1967, MPXV-ZAI: MPXV strain Zaire-I-96, CPXV-GRI: CPXV strain GRI-90, VAC-COP: VACV strain Copenhagen. ORF: open reading frame; aa: protein size in number of amino acid residues.