Research Article

Complexes of Cu(II) Ions and Noncovalent Interactions in Systems with L-Aspartic Acid and Cytidine-5'-Monophosphate

Table 3

Overall stability constants C C M P = 0 . 2 and equilibrium constants ( l o g 𝛽 ) for the complexes of Cu(II) ions with Asp or CMP and Cu(II) ions with Asp and CMP.

Equilibrium ( l o g 𝐾 𝑒 ) l o g 𝛽

Cu + CMP l o g 𝐾 𝑒 Cu(CMP)2.71 (7) [20]2.71
Cu + CMP + H 2 O Cu(CMP)(OH) + H + 4.26 (6) [20]

Cu + + Asp H + CuH(Asp)12.78 (5)3.15
Cu + Asp Cu(Asp)8.76 (3)8.76
Cu + 2Asp Cu 15.35 (4)6.59
Cu + Asp + ( A s p ) 2 H 2 O Cu(Asp)(OH) + 0.79 (9)

Cu + 4 H + + Asp + CMP H + Cu(Asp) (CMP)32.86 (5)
Cu + 3 H 4 + Asp + CMP H + Cu(Asp)H3(CMP)29.14 (5)5.46
Cu + 2 + Asp + CMP H + Cu(Asp) (CMP)25.28 (4)6.08
Cu + H 2 + Asp + CMP H + Cu(Asp)H(CMP)20.12 (4)4.94
Cu + + 2Asp + CMP H + Cu H(CMP)29.87 (4)
Cu + Asp + CMP + ( A s p ) 2 H 2 O Cu(Asp)(CMP)(OH) + 4.69 (4)