Research Article

Organotin Compound Derived from 3-Hydroxy-2-formylpyridine Semicarbazone: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Antiproliferative Activity

Table 1

X-ray crystal data and structure refinement for 2.

Empirical formulaC19H16N4O2Sn
Formula weight451.05
Temperature (K)100(2)
Crystal systemMonoclinic
Space group
Crystal size (mm)
( )103.594(5)
Volume (Ǻ 3)1799.2(2)
(g cm-3)1.665
Absorption coefficient (mm-1)1.441
θ range for data collection ( )3.0–36.6
Reflections collected29597
Independent reflections ( )8324 (0.056)
Goodness-of-Fit ( )0.857
Final indices 0.037
Maximum and minimum residuals (e Ǻ -3)1.03/