Research Article

Impact of Different Serum Potassium Levels on Postresuscitation Heart Function and Hemodynamics in Patients with Nontraumatic Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Table 2

Serum potassium levels influence the initial postresuscitation heart function and hemodynamic status.

Total patients ()Serum potassium level value
Low (K+ < 3.5, )Normal (K+ = 3.5–5, )High (K+ > 5, )
Number (%)Number (%)Number (%)Number (%)

Heart rate<0.001
 Tachycardia121 (25.3)17 (35.4)43 (29.9)61 (21.3)
 Normal206 (43.0)23 (47.9)75 (52.1)108 (37.6)
 Bradycardia152 (31.7)8 (16.7)26 (18.0)118 (41.1)
Blood pressure0.353
 Hypertension149 (31.1)11 (22.9)49 (34.0)89 (31.0)
 Normal142 (29.6)16 (33.3)47 (32.6)79 (27.5)
 Hypotension188 (39.3)21 (43.8)48 (33.4)119 (41.5)
Heart rhythm0.001
 Sinus rhythm291 (60.8)33 (68.8)103 (71.5)155 (54.0)
 Nonsinus rhythm188 (39.2)15 (31.2)41 (28.5)132 (46.0)
Urine output (median)<0.001
 >1 (ml/kg/hr)174 (36.3)35 (72.9)51 (35.4)88 (30.7)
 <1 (ml/kg/hr)305 (63.7)13 (27.1)93 (64.6)199 (69.3)
Blood pH
 Acidosis (<7.35)374 (78.1)20 (41.7)102 (70.8)252 (87.8)<0.001
 Nonacidosis (>7.35)105 (21.9)28 (58.3)42 (29.2)35 (12.2)

Significant factors; the serum K+ level is given in units of mmol/L.