Research Article

Antibacterial Activity of 2-Picolyl-polypyridyl-Based Ruthenium (II/III) Complexes on Non-Drug-Resistant and Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Table 2

Complexes and their associated electronic spectroscopy bands.

Transitions[Ru2(2BUT)(DMF)2(DPA)](BH4)4(3) (nm) (ε×104(L mol−1 cm−1)) (0.32 mM)[Ru2(2BUT)(Cl)6] (4) (nm) (ε×104(L mol−1 cm−1)) (0.62 mM)

π-π and CT<262 [1.009], 345 [0.5469]<297 [5.240]
d-d462 [0.1626], 532 [0.1325]412 [0.1356], 604 [0.0750]

CT: charge transfer bands. The electronic spectral data indicated the complexes are low spin Ru(III) d5 and Ru(II) d6 complexes. Also, the molar absorptivity of the complexes’ bands demonstrates that they are their true assigned transitions.