Research Article

Deferiprone−Resveratrol Hybrid, an Iron-Chelating Compound, Acts as an Antimalarial and Hepatoprotective Agent in Plasmodium berghei-Infected Mice

Table 1

Hematological parameter levels in normal mice treated with DI and PbANKA-infected mice treated with 60% DMSO, DFP-RVT (50 mg/kg), DFP (50 mg/kg), and PYR (2 mg/kg) (n = 3 each) for 8 consecutive days. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM values. Accordingly, when compared with the normal group; and when compared with the PbANKA-infected group treated with DMSO. (a) RBC indices.

MiceTreatmentRBC number(×106/mL)Hb (g/dL)Hct (%)MCV (fL)MCH (pg)MCHC (g/dL)RDW (%)

NormalDI8.86 ± 0.8413.45 ± 1.2545.60 ± 6.2051.10 ± 1.9015.25 ± 0.2529.80 ± 1.8015.55 ± 0.55
PbANKA-infectedDMSO4.74 ± 0.30#8.80 ± 0.65#30.00 ± 1.63#62.33 ± 1.20#18.67 ± 0.3330.00 ± 0.5813.33 ± 0.88
PbANKA-infectedPYR9.66 ± 0.2316.10 ± 0.4054.00 ± 2.0856.00 ± 1.1516.67 ± 0.3329.67 ± 0.6713.67 ± 0.33
PbANKA-infectedDFP4.57 ± 0.278.70 ± 0.3329.50 ± 0.4165.00 ± 2.4519.00 ± 0.5830.33 ± 0.8813.67 ± 0.88
PbANKA-infectedDFP-RVT4.89 ± 0.018.50 ± 0.3326.67 ± 0.6756.67 ± 2.0317.67 ± 0.3331.00 ± 0.5814.33 ± 0.33

DFP = deferiprone, DFP-RVT = deferiproneresveratrol, DI = deionized water, DMSO = dimethylsulfoxide, Hb = hemoglobin, Hct = hematocrit, MCH = mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCHC = mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, MCV = mean corpuscular volume, PbANKA = Plasmodium berghei ANKA strain, PYR = pyrimethamine, RBC = red blood cell, and RDW = red cell distribution width.