Research Article

An Algorithm for Finding Functional Modules and Protein Complexes in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

Table 5

Running times of the programs on 3 data sets of yeast protein interactions on a Pentium IV 3.0 GHz processor with 512 MB memory.

ProgramMIPS data (4874 nodes 15660 edges)DIP data (4932 nodes 17491 edges)BOND data (18692 nodes 59516 edges)

Our program10.06 s13.06 s1 m 06.63 s
CFinder17.45 s24.33 s2 m 22.46 s

MIPS data: from MIPS (1/18/2005).
DIP data: yeast20071104.lst from DIP (11/04/2007).
BOND data: data from BOND (11/9/2007).