Research Article

Protective Effect of Melatonin Against Mitomycin C-Induced Genotoxic Damage in Peripheral Blood of Rats

Table 1

The ratio of polychromatic erythrocytes/normochromatic erythrocytes (PCE/NCE) in rat peripheral blood after 0, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours in the four treatment groups

TreatmentPCE/NCE ratio (mean ± standard error)
0 hour24 hours48 hours72 hours96 hours

Control2.34 0.052.13 0.062.34 0.022.28 0.082.22 0.03
aMT2.35 0.072.35 0.072.19 0.072.23 0.032.30 0.03
MMC2.22 0.062.13 0.032.11 0.102.20 0.062.10 0.09
MMC + aMT1.95 0.042.09 0.072.05 0.022.10 0.072.16 0.05

MMC: mitomycin C; aMT: melatonin