Research Article

Trisomy 14 as a Sole Chromosome Abnormality Is Associated with Older Age, a Heterogenous Group of Myeloid Neoplasms with Dysplasia, and a Wide Spectrum of Disease Progression

Table 3

Clinical, morphologic, and cytogenetic characteristics of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and isolated trisomy 14.

Age (Y)SexWBC (109/L)Hb (g/dL)Platelet (109/L)WHO classificationKaryotypeCellularity (%)Blast (%)Trilineage dysplasia

70M4.310.356AML with maturation47, XY, i(14)(q10) [2]/46, XY [17]*5526Yes
61M1628.163AML with maturation47, XY, +14 [16]9560Yes
57M1.19.759AML without maturation47, XY, +14 [2]/46, XY [17]*2550Yes
65M2.110.1305AML with maturation47, XY, +14 [16]8537Yes

*Abnormal clone confirmed by FISH.
Y: years; M: male; F: female; WBC: white blood cell; Hb: hemoglobin.