Methodology Report

Effective and Steady Differentiation of a Clonal Derivative of P19CL6 Embryonal Carcinoma Cell Line into Beating Cardiomyocytes

Figure 1

Phase-contrast micrographs in typical view of beating cardiomyocytes (CM; enclosed with a white line) differentiated from P19CL6 cells by the basal protocol ((a) and (c)), and P19CL6-A1 cells by the developed protocol ((b) and (d)) on day 16. Cardiomyocytes in (b) form the large cluster that extends beyond the visual field while those in (a) form the small clusters. The clusters of cardiomyocytes in (c) are small and round in a single cell layer region. They are composed of small-sized beating cells densely arranged. On the other hand, the cluster in (d) is large and forms a mesh-like sheet structure in multicell layers. It is composed of elongated cardiomyocytes. (e) and (f) are diagrams of (c) and (d), respectively, in which cardiomyocytes are depicted in Indian red.