Methodology Report

Differential Proteome Analysis of the Preeclamptic Placenta Using Optimized Protein Extraction

Figure 5

Validation of APOA1 accumulation. (a) A representative scanned image of Western blots for APOA1 (PE: 𝑛 = 5 and C: 𝑛 = 4 ). All individual sample extracts were run (PE: 𝑛 = 3 0 and C: 𝑛 = 3 0 ). Expected size for APOA1 is 28 kDA. Molecular weight markers are represented by arrows. (b) Box plot for the intensity data for APOA1 as determined by GeneTools, showing the median and the 25th and 75th percentile. APOA1 was significantly increased in PE ( 𝑃 = . 0 2 ) (PE: 62247 (56597–67897) OD units, C: 53551 (48354–58749) OD units. Both values are presented as mean (95th percentile confidence interval). (c) Representative image for immunohistochemistry on APOA1 on a PE section. Scale bar = 100  𝜇 m. (d) Zoomed in image of APOA1 staining in a PE section (from the box in D). APOA1 staining was detected in trophoblasts (arrow). Scale bar = 30  𝜇 m. (e) A representative image of a control section. APOA1 staining was weaker than in PE but was localized in trophoblasts as seen in PE. Scale bar = 100  𝜇 m.