Review Article

Mathematical Modeling: Bridging the Gap between Concept and Realization in Synthetic Biology

Figure 6

Modeling predictions and analysis of the RTC three-counter in Friedland et al. [7]. (a) A model of (a) the RTC two-counter and (b) the RTC three-counter with fitted parameters was simulated (solid line) and agrees well with experimental data (normalized fluorescence, solid dots). (c) The output of the RTC three-counter (N pulses) is simulated for a range of pulse lengths and intervals. The predictions (colored contour lines) match experimental results (solid circles), whose levels are indicated by both color and size. (d) Similar to (c), except that values shown here are the differences in the output of the three-counter after three (N) pulses and two (N – 1) pulses (from Friedland et al. [7], with permission).