Research Article

Reduction of Ischemic and Oxidative Damage to the Hypothalamus by Hyperbaric Oxygen in Heatstroke Mice

Table 1

Mean ( ± SE) of percent survival or fraction survival values for different groups of mice.

Treatment groupsSurvival, %Fraction survivalP

( 1 ) Normothermic (NT) mice received normobaric air (NBA)10012/12
(2) NT mice received hyperbaric oxygen (HBO)10012/12
(3) Heatstroke (HS) mice received NBA00/12 𝑃 < . 0 0 1
(4) HS mice received HBO10012/12 𝑃 < . 0 0 1

When exactly 4 days post-HS, the percent survival values were measured.
Compared with group 1.
Compared with group 3.