Research Article

Short-Term Evaluation in Growing Rats of Diet Containing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ia12 Entomotoxin: Nutritional Responses and Some Safety Aspects

Table 3

Relative faecal dry matter (g) and nitrogen output (g) of rats fed the egg white control (EW) and test diets (Cry1Ia12) calculated for test days 6 to 10.

Parameters { Diets

Diet intake (D)70.64  ±  7.53 a 62.32  ±  6.47 a
N intake (N)1.12  ±  0.09 a 0.99  ±  0.17 a
Faecal output (F)3.98  ±  0.67 a 3.17  ±  0.69 a
Faecal N (FN)0.16  ±  0.04 a 0.14  ±  0.05 a
F/D  ×  1005.27  ±  1.01 a 5.58  ±  0.44 a
FN/N  ×  10013.22  ±  3.27 a 15.05  ±  4.12 a

Values are means  ±  standard deviation ( 𝑛 = 6 ).
a Values in a row with different letters differ significantly ( 𝑃 < . 0 5 ).
{ g per rat.