Review Article

Regulating the Regulators: The Post-Translational Code of Class I HDAC1 and HDAC2

Figure 1

Schematic representation of the PTMs spatial distribution of HDAC1 and HDAC2. (a) Organization of the functional domains of HDAC1 and HDAC2, as described in [43]. Numbers indicate the corresponding amino acidic (aa) positions. Percentages of identity were calculated by BLAST alignment of HDAC1 (CAG46518.1) and HDAC2 (AAH31055.2) protein sequences. (b) and (c) Visual comparison of the different PTMs occurring on HDAC1 and HDAC2 in the C-terminal (B) and central (C) domains. Different PTMs are illustrated by different colors and letters: P (yellow): phosphorylation, A (green): acetylation, U (blue): ubiquitination, S (red): SUMOylation, N (orange): nitrosylation, and C (lilac): carbonylation. The amino acidic sites of modification are indicated by the number of their position in the protein sequence: S: serine, K: lysine, Y: tyrosine, C: cysteine, and CBP: CBP histone acetyltransferase. When the precise position of a modified residue is not known, the amino acidic site is followed by an . The question mark (?) is used when the precise amino acidic site has not been formally identified. The amino acids at the boundaries of the two domains are reported.