Review Article

Regulating the Regulators: The Post-Translational Code of Class I HDAC1 and HDAC2

Figure 2

Schematic illustration of the crosstalk between different PTMs on HDAC2 in response to oxidative or nitric stress stimuli. Oxidative or nitric stimuli evoke a complex response in terms of PTMs on HDAC2 that results in a specific biological output [54, 55, 73, 74]. Different PTMs are illustrated by different colors and letters: P (yellow): phosphorylation, A (green): acetylation, U (blue): ubiquitination, and N (orange): nitrosylation. The modification enzymes, when known, are also reported: CKII: casein kinase II, and CBP: CBP histone acetyltransferase. When a mechanistic relation between two different PTMs events is not known, the question mark (?) has been used.