Research Article

Microbial Communities and Their Performances in Anaerobic Hybrid Sludge Bed-Fixed Film Reactor for Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent under Various Organic Pollutant Concentrations

Table 3

The partial 16S rRNA gene sequences of ARC domain and organism with the best-matching sequences determined by BLAST searches.

AffiliationDGGE band Similarity (%) Accession no.

Acetoclastic methanogens
 Uncultured Methanococcoides sp. G5I8J9K11L12M889AY454739.1
 Uncultured Methanosaeta sp.G3H6I6J6K8L9M685AY454766.1
Methanocaldococcus vulcanius M7I2K2L2M290CP001787.1

Hydrogenotrophic methanogens
Methanobacterium sp.G1H4I4J4K6L7M493GU936489.1
Methanobacterium sp.G2H5I5J5K7L8M595GU569395.1
Methanomicrobiaceae G4H7I7J7K9L10M787GU129124.1
 Uncultured Methanomicrobiales H1I1J1K1L1M195AY780566.1
Methanospirillum hungatei H299AB517987.1
Methanobacterium sp.H3I3J3K4L4M397GU936489.1
Methanobacteriaceae K589GU129060.1
Methanoculleus sp.J8K10L1196AB436897.1
Methanobacterium palustre L591EU293795.1
Methanobacterium sp.L695GU569395.1

Remark: G: startup seed; H: packed zone and I: sludge zone at C1; J: packed zone and, K: sludge zone at C2; L: packed zone and M: sludge zone at C3.