Research Article

The Uptake Mechanism of Cd(II), Cr(VI), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) by Mycelia and Fruiting Bodies of Galerina vittiformis

Table 1

Heavy metal content in fruiting body (sporocarp) of various mushrooms.

Sl. numberMushroom speciesMetal content in sporocarp, mg kg−1 of dry wt.References

1Agaricus bisporus 1Pb (4), Cd (3.48), Cu (5.) [15]
Boletus edulis 1Cu (66.4), Cd (6.58), Pb (3.03)
Lepiota rhacodes 2Pb (66), Cd (3.7)
Paxillus rubicondulus 1Pb (0.69), Cd (0.78), Cu (51.0) Zn (16.8)

2Agaricus bisporus 1Cu (107), Pb (1), Zn (57.)[16]

3Helvella leucomelaena 2Pb (4.8), Cd (.0) [17]
Pleurotus sp. 1Pb (3.4), Cd (1.18), Cu (13.6), Zn (9.8)

4Tricholoma terreum 1Cu (5), Zn (179), Cd (0.56), Pb (4.4) [18]
Helvella leucomelaena 2Pb (3.1), Cd (1.1)

5Paxillus involutus 2Cu (57.0), Pb (1.6.0), Fe (991), Cd (0.84), Pb (3) [19]
Rhizopogonaceae luteolus 1Cu (13), Zn (30), Mn (13), Fe (620), Cd (0.26), Pb (2.8).
Omphalotus olearius 2Cu (21), Zn (27), Mn (36), Fe (95), Cd (1.3), Pb (5.2).
Hygrophorus hedyricii 2Cu (37), Zn (97),Mn (11), Fe (395), Cd (1.2), Pb (2.7)
Ciocybe dealbata2Cu (41), Zn (115), Mn (30), Fe (386), Cd (0.86), Pb (3.2)
Lepiota alba 2Cu (29), Zn (86), Mn (22), Fe (779), Cd (0.8), Pb (5.8)

6Tricholoma terreum 2Pb (4), Cd (1.6), Cu (35.8), Zn (48.0) [20]
Agaricus bisporus 1Pb (0.8), Cd (0.78)

7Pseudevernia furfuracea 2Al (12.51), As (0.23), Cd (0.19), Cu (2.5), Cr (0.11), Pb (5.1), Zn (17.9), Mn (12.9) [21]
Scorpiurus circinatum2Al (17.51), As (0.32), Cd (0.35), Cu (3.2), Cr (1.1), Pb (6.3), Zn (46.1), Mn (46.7)

8Aspergillus foetidus 2Al (32.5), Co (5.95), Cr (6.23), Mg (44.9), Zn (2.4), Ni (189.5)[22]

9Poria sp.2Zn (90.3), Cu (30.8), Pb (1.0), Mn (31.3), Cd (0.1) [23]
Nectria cinnabarina 1Zn (30.1), Cu (29.3), Pb (1.9), Cd (0.2), Mn (19.3)
Ganoderma lucidum 1Zn (60.1), Cu (43.8), Pb (0.7), Mn (30.4), Cd (0.31)
Paragyrodous sphaerosporous1Zn (115), Cu (34.4), Pb (0.4), Mn (37.3), Cd (0.2)
Polyporus frondosus 1Zn (120.1), Cu (34.4), Pb (0.4), Mn (37.3), Cd (0.2)

10Phellinus badius 2Cd (110), Cu (60), Hg (61), Ni (56) [3]
Phellinus sanguineus 2Cd (80), Cu (42), Hg (35), Ni (66)

11Tricholoma terreum 2Pb (3.64), Cu (34.86), Cd (0.67), Zn (54.13), Cr (2.54) [24]
Boletus badius 1Cu (44.54), Pb (4.48), Cd (0.91), Zn (34.17), Fe (264.62), Cr (2.86)
Russula delica 1Cu (19.55), Pb (2.02), Cd (1.22), Zn (38.5), Cr (6.95)

13Pleurotus platypus1Cd (34.9), Pb (27.10) [25]
Agaricus bisporus 1Cd (33.7), Pb (29.67)

14Lactarius deliciosus 1Cd (0.26), Cr (0.12), Cu (6.15), Pb (0.73), Zn (76.7) [26]
Rhizopogon roseolus 1Cd (0.18), Cr (0.10), Cu (21.2), Pb (2.03), Zn (36.7)
Russula delica 1Cd (0.42), Cr (0.27), Cu (52.2), Pb (0.77), Zn (58.2)

15Sarcosphaera crassa 1Ag (0.044), As (8.03), Cd (0.016), Cr (0.98), Pb (0.02) [27]
Cantharellus cibarius 1Ag (0.022), As (0.03), Cd (0.036), Cr (0.69), Pb (0.04)
Suillus luteus1Ag (0.015), As (0.15), Cd (0.034), Cr (0.15), Pb (0.06)
Morchella rigida 1Ag (0.087), As (0.24), Cd (0.007), Cr (0.44), Pb (0.02)
Agrocybe aegerita 1Ag (0.074), As (0.44), Cd (0.010), Cr (0.25), Pb (0.018)

15Galerina sp. 2Cd (85), Pb (900), Cu (800), Zn (700), Cr (30)

Edible, 2Nonedible.