Clinical Study

S100A12 and hBD2 Correlate with the Composition of the Fecal Microflora in ELBW Infants and Expansion of E. coli Is Associated with NEC

Table 2

Intestinal microflora in infants with NEC.

96 to 120 h prior to NEC ( )Within 24 h of onset of NEC ( )P value

MEDIAN LOG10 CFU per g at day 7
 Total bacterial count9 (8.4–10.4)9.9 (9.4–10.6)0.04
Lactobacilli 8.7 (7.8–10.5)8.9 (8.6–9.2)0.49
C. difficile (if positive)6.3 (4.4–8.3)6.7 (4.1–9.3)0.46
E. coli 7.9 (5.1–8.1)9.5 (8.8–10.3)<0.001
Bifidobacteria 7.5 (5.1–7.6)8.3 (6.7–9.2)0.11
B. fragilis group 5.8 (5.6–6.3)7.0 (6.6–7.3)0.28
 Others8.6 (7.7–9.9)9.1 (8.4–9.5)0.44
Prevalence of C. difficile (N)33.3% (4)27.2% (3)