Research Article

Downregulation of DLC-1 Gene by Promoter Methylation during Primary Colorectal Cancer Progression

Figure 2

Bisulfite sequencing of the CpG island in DLC-1 promoter region. (a) Schematic depiction of the DLC-1 promoter-associated CpG island, which spans the region from −278 to +16 (the transcription start site ATG as +1). Regions analyzed by MS-HRM and bisulfite genomic sequencing (Bis-DLC-1) are shown. The Bis-DLC-1 region encompassed 292 bp and contained 35 CpG dinucleotides. (b) Methylation patterns of the Bis-DLC-1 region of the  DLC-1 CpG island in a normal mucosa tissue (N1), two adenomas (A1 and A2), and two CRCs (C1 and C2) samples that were identified by MS-HRM as methylated. Methylated and unmethylated CpG sites are shown as solid circles and open circles, respectively.