Research Article

Reconstruction and Analysis of Human Kidney-Specific Metabolic Network Based on Omics Data

Table 1

Top fifteen overrepresented metabolic processes of kidney-PDG compared with heart.

GO-ID valueGene-numDescription

55114 20Oxidation reduction
44281 23Small molecule metabolic process
6725 10Cellular aromatic compound metabolic process
6082 15Organic acid metabolic process
8152 40Metabolic process
44237 37Cellular metabolic process
46219 4Indolalkylamine biosynthetic process
42435 4Indole derivative biosynthetic process
19752 14Carboxylic acid metabolic process
43436 14Oxoacid metabolic process
42180 14Cellular ketone metabolic process
44106 11Cellular amine metabolic process
9308 12Amine metabolic process
46483 11Heterocycle metabolic process
9309 7Amine biosynthetic process

Note. This table lists the top fifteen overrepresented metabolic processes ( value < 0.01) in the kidney when compared with heart. This analysis was obtained from BINGO. GO categories were considered as enriched in the network as determined using Hypergeometric statistical test employing the Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate correction. The first column is the GO-ID. The second column is the value. The third column gives the number of the gene cluster, and the fourth column shows the description of the corresponding GO-ID.