Clinical Study

Detection of the Epstein-Barr Virus and DNA-Topoisomerase II-α in Recurrent and Nonrecurrent Giant Cell Lesion of the Jawbones

Table 2

Mean values of Topo II-α in relation to clinical parameters in central giant cell lesion of jawbones.

VariableTotal no. (%)Topo II-α a valueTopo II-α b value

Age (y)
 <308 (61.5%)1.49 ± 0.630.2738.00 ± 7.890.716
 ≥305 (38.5%)1.09 ± 1.01NS7.00 ± 6.57NS
 Male3 (23.1%)0.75 ± 0.170.0018.12 ± 2.770.021
 Female10 (76.9%)1.71 ± 0.87 *S15.24 ± 4.64 *S
 Maxilla5 (38.5%)1.70 ± 0.840.0015.69 ± 2.000.001
 Mandible8 (61.5%)2.50 ± 0.14 *S8.16 ± 0.88 *S
Clinical behavior
 Nonrecurrent8 (61.5%)1.15 ± 0.110.0025.67 ± 2.010.001
 Recurrent5 (38.5%)2.07 ± 0.95 *S8.17 ± 0.87 *S

MGCs: multinucleated giant cells; MSCs: mononuclear stromal cells.
aMean ± standard deviation of Topo II-α in MGCs.
bMean ± standard deviation of Topo II-α in MSCs.
NS: not significant.
*S: significant.