Research Article

A Comparison between Tube Surgery, ND:YAG Laser and Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation in the Management of Refractory Glaucoma

Table 3

Clinical characteristics of the three groups of patients (standard deviation).


Male : female19 : 2621 : 2427 : 180.02
 Mean duration of glaucoma (months)97.7 (72.8)116.0 (102.9)102.2 (90.1)NS
 Mean preop IOP38.6 (8.7)32.0 (9.5)41.3 (9.7)<0.00005*
 Mean duration of followup (months)16.6 (6.4)21.5 (8.7)38.2 (16.4)<0.0005
 Mean final postop IOP22.1 (9.9)19.3 (8.5)16.4 (6.6)<
 Mean IOP drop16.6 (9.5)12.7 (11.4)25.0 (11.9)<0.00005
 Mean % IOP drop42.8 (21.7)36.0 (30.1)58.4 (18.2)<0.0001

IOP: intraocular pressure (mmHg), NS: no statistically significant difference, tube group differs statistically significantly from both cycloYAG group and cyclodiode group, *cyclodiode group differs statistically significantly from both tube group and cycloYAG group, statistically significant difference between tube group and cycloYAG group.