Research Article

A Comparison between Tube Surgery, ND:YAG Laser and Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation in the Management of Refractory Glaucoma

Table 6

Pre- and posttreatment visual acuities for each group. Changes in VA category represent 2 or more lines of Snellen acuity change.

GroupMedian pre-Rx VA (range)Median post-Rx VA (range) VA VAStable VA

CycloYAGCF (6/9-NPL)CF (6/9-NPL)4338
CyclodiodeCF (6/9-NPL)CF (6/9-NPL)2439
Tube6/60 (6/6-HM)6/60 (6/6-HM)5733

Statistical significance (Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA).