Research Article

Predictors for Increasing Eligibility Level among Home Help Service Users in the Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance System

Table 2

Comparison of the number of those at risk for disability between care level 1 or lower and care level 2.

Care level 1 to less
( , * )
Care level 2
( , * )

BMI < 18.5 kg/m265 (23.4%)29 (20.9%)0.340.56
Low grip strength56 (20.1%)59 (42.4%)23.1<0.01
CC < 31 cm92 (33.1%)62 (44.6%)0.020.29
GDS5* ≥ 287 (42.2%)63 (64.3%)12.9<0.01
MNA* ≤ 1621 (10.0%)11 (11.2%)0.110.84

Low grip strength was defined as ≤27 kg in males and 16 kg in females aged 65–74 and ≤20 kg in males and 12 kg in females aged 75 or older; BMI: body mass index; CC: calf circumference; GDS5: 5 item geriatric depression scale; MNA: mininutritional assessment. Values are (%).
The number of subjects for questionnaires including PMADL-8, Participation scale, and Social support scale.