Review Article

Deregulation of the miRNAs Expression in Cervical Cancer: Human Papillomavirus Implications

Figure 1

A schematic model for the putative roles of the miRNAs in different cellular processes such as cell cycle, apoptosis, proliferation, invasiveness, migration, metastasis, and angiogenesis in cervical cancer. Bar-headed lines represent inhibition, whereas arrows indicate stimulation. miRNAs in red represent downregulated (tumor suppressor) expression and miRNAs in blue represent upregulated (oncogenic) expression in cervical cancer. Chl1: cell adhesion molecule with homology to L1; CycE1: cyclin E1; Dsg3: desmoglein 3; Mnt: MAX dimerization protein; NinJ2: ninjurin 2; Pdcd4: programmed cell death 4; RASAL1: RAS protein activator like 1; SpinK5: serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 5; and VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor.