Research Article

Reevaluating the Role of Acanthamoeba Proteases in Tissue Invasion: Observation of Cytopathogenic Mechanisms on MDCK Cell Monolayers and Hamster Corneal Cells

Figure 8

Transmission electron microscopy of the interaction of A. castellanii with hamster cornea. (a) After 16 h of interaction a trophozoite migrated and penetrated into middle layer of corneal epithelium (Ce), emitting acanthopodia of different sizes (arrow head). Bar = 3 μm. (b) and (c) By 24 h trophozoites migrated to deeper layers presumably by the emission of cytoplasmic projections (arrow head), which were frequently observed being introduced between the epithelial cells junctions. The amoebae preserved their characteristic morphological features. Some trophozoites shown in the figure contain digestive vacuoles (Dv) of different sizes. (b). Bar = 1 μm; (c). Bar = 3 μm. (d) and (e) Frequently, amoebae emitted amoebostomes (*) of different sizes with their characteristic fibrogranular cytoplasm, which allowed them to ingest portions of cells. (d). Bar = 1 μm; (e). Bar = 1 μm.