Research Article

Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Virioplanktonic Abundance in Haihe River, China

Table 1

Environmental data recorded for the Haihe River from September 2011 to June 2012.

Mean (min–max)Median (Q1, Q3)Mean (min–max)Median (Q1, Q3)Mean (min–max)Median (Q1, Q3)Mean (min–max)Median (Q1, Q3)

Temp (°C)28.2 (27.6–29.4)28.2 (27.8, 28.5)12.6 (11.0–15.6)12 (11.7, 13.6)13.4 (12.5–14.2)13.3 (24.9, 25.3)25.0 (24.0–25.7)24.9 (11.7, 13.6)
TSS (mg L−1)5.59 (3.12–9.68)5.00 (4.06, 6.25)8.19 (0.31–15.62)7.50 (5.00, 13.43)8.73 (0.31–21.77)5.62 (10.62, 31.33)31.85 (4.06–100.00)20.66 (5.00, 13.43)
TN (mg L−1)4.68 (3.71–5.41)4.80 (4.49, 4.98)4.50 (3.04–5.20)4.65 (4.27, 5.10)7.79 (4.33–10.14)8.76 (6.23, 6.33)6.25 (6.00–6.43)6.23 (4.27, 5.10)
Nitrate (mg L−1)2.14 (1.63–2.41)2.16 (2.03, 2.35)2.44 (2.06–2.85)2.39 (2.36, 2.48)2.08 (1.26–2.87)2.09 (0.88, 2.02)1.53 (0.82–2.90)1.50 (2.36, 2.48)
Chla (μg L−1)107.61 (84.40–156.00)107.00 (86.2, 116)15.97 (4.00–47.00)13.00 (9.30, 17.80)62.67 (6.63–236.35)25.72 (34.35, 132.41)91.62 (3.76–262.31)69.95 (9.30, 17.80)
TP (mg L−1)0.76 (0.60–0.99)0.74 (0.74, 0.77)0.42 (0.34–0.54)0.39 (0.36, 0.48)1.96 (0.27–8.08)0.55 (0.58, 1.09)0.82 (0.14–1.26)0.96 (0.36, 0.48)
TDP (mg L−1)0.47 (0.37–0.56)0.47 (0.45, 0.51)0.26 (0.17–0.44)0.24 (0.18, 0.31)0.34 (0.12–0.69)0.24 (0.21, 0.58)0.45 (0.10–0.71)0.55 (0.18, 0.31)
TOC (mg L−1)17.14 (0.10–53.93)10.77 (9.55, 13.9)30.80 (16.71–41.13)31.26 (25.39, 36.80)22.05 (6.31–68.78)16.97 (18.30, 26.76)20.54 (5.84–28.86)21.85 (25.39, 36.80)
Salinity (‰)2.6 (1–6)2 (2, 2)3.9 (1–9)3 (2, 3)5.2 (1–18)2 (2, 2)4.7 (1–20)2 (3, 3)

Q1: 1st quartile; Q3: 3rd quartile; Temp: temperature; TSS: total suspended solid; TN: total nitrogen; chl a: chlorophyll a; TP: Total phosphorus; TDP: total dissolved phosphorus.