Research Article

High Density Sphere Culture of Adult Cardiac Cells Increases the Levels of Cardiac and Progenitor Markers and Shows Signs of Vasculogenesis

Figure 2

Morphology of HDS and effects of culture media. Histology of the HDS stained for HE, row 1 and 2. HDS cultured in (a) Defined medium at 6 weeks, (b) Cardiac medium at 9 weeks (Defined medium for 6 weeks followed by Cardiac medium for 3 weeks), and (c) Endothelial medium at 4 weeks (Defined medium for 1 week followed by Endothelial medium for 3 weeks) are shown. Arrows are showing the additional multilayer area (b1) and buds (c1). Row 3 shows staining with antibody against Ki67 (green) detecting proliferating cells. DAPI (blue) was used to counterstain nuclei. The histogram is showing relative mRNA expression of the cardiac specific fibroblast marker DDR2.