Clinical Study

Role of Digoxin-Like Immunoreactive Substance in the Pathogenesis of Transient Tachypnea of Newborn

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of TTN and control groups.

TTN ( )Control ( )

Gestational age (week) >0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(36–39)(35–38)
Birthweight (gram) >0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(2550–3120)(2450–3420)
Delivery type (C/S) ( %) 10 (66.67%) 10 (66.67%)>0.05
Sex (male) ( %)9 (60%)9 (60%)>0.05
Apgar 1st (median) (min.–max.)8 (7–10)8 (7–10)>0.05
Apgar 5th (median) (min.–max.)9 (8–10)9 (8–10)>0.05
Arterial blood gas pH >0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(7.21–7.41)(7.21–7.38)
Antenatal fluid to mother (mL/kg/hour) >0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(0–21)(0–26)
Antenatal steroids ( %)
8 (53.33%)7 (46.6%) >0.05
CRP (mg/dL) >0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(0.10–0.80)(0.21–0.70)
Sepsis or pneumonia ( %) 00>0.05
Time of inclusion (hour) >0.05
RR0 (/min.ute) <0.05
(Mean ± SD ) (min.–max.)(60–90)(44–54)
RRmax.(/min.ute) <0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(65–105)(48–56)
Duration of tachypnea (DoT) (hour)
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(48–144)
Respiratory assistance ( %)
Only O2 support11 (73.3%)
nCPAP2 (13.3%)
Mechanical ventilation2 (13.3%)
Duration of hospitalization (hour) <0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(240–926)(16–120)
Pneumothorax ( %)2 (13.3%)
DLIS1 (ng/mL) <0.01
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(0–1.30)(0–0.80)
DLIS7 (ng/mL) <0.05
(Mean ± SD) (min.–max.)(0–0.76)(0–0.45)

S/C: caesarian section.
CRP: serum C reactive protein.
RR0: respiratory rate on admission.
RRmax.: max.imum respiratory rate on follow-up.
CPAP: nasal continuous positive airway pressure.
DLIS1: digitalis-like immunoreactive substance at the 1st day.
DLIS7: digitalis-like immunoreactive substance at the 7th day.