Research Article

Comparative Anatomy of the Hind Limb Vessels of the Bearded Capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus) with Apes, Baboons, and Cebus capucinus: With Comments on the Vessels' Role in Bipedalism

Table 1

Comparative anatomy of the hind limb arteries of bearded capuchin (this work), Cebus capucinus, baboons, apes, and Homo. O originates from E: emits.

Bearded capuchinsCebus Baboons Apes Homo

ObturatorExternal iliacMedial circumflex femoral muscular branchesExternal iliacInternal iliacExternal iliac (Pan [24]), internal iliac (50% of Pan [23]), inferior epigastric (Gorilla, Pongo, and 50% of Pan [23])Originates from femoral as variation [23], profunda femoris, internal iliac [26], and inferior epigastric from 20 to 30% Iliac branches to fossa iliac and anastomoses with iliolumbar artery [26]

Medial circumflex femoralObturator artery or external iliac (one case observed)
Muscular branches, femur head branch, external pudendaExternal iliacMuscular branchesObturator External iliac (Hylobates [23] and Pan [24]), profunda femoris (50% of Pan [23]), femoral (Gorilla and Pongo [23])Profunda femoris [23, 24, 26] femoral as variation [23, 26] Muscular branches [26]

External pudendaMedial circumflex femoral FemoralFemoral (Pan, unilaterally in Gorilla; [23])Femoral [23, 26] Anastomose with branches of internal pudenda artery [26]

FemoralExternal iliacLateral circumflex femoral, inferior epigastric, profunda femoris, popliteal, saphenous, muscular branchesExternal iliacLateral circumflex femoral, profunda femoris, saphenous, poplitealExternal iliacSaphenous, popliteal, profunda femoris, suprema genicularExternal iliac [23]Medial circumflex femoral (Gorilla, Pongo, as a variation in Homo [23]), descendent genicular (Pan,  Pongo, Homo [23]), saphenous (all apes [23]), deep circumflex iliac (African apes; [23]), muscular branches [23], superficial circumflex iliac (great apes and Homo [23]), inferior epigastric (Pan, SW and all apes and Homo; [23]), external pudenda (Homo, Pan, Gorilla [23]), profunda femoris (all apes and Homo, except Gorilla, G), popliteal (all apes and Homo, G)External
iliac [23, 26]
Medial circumflex femoral (as a variation), descendent genicular, muscular branches, superficial circumflex iliac, inferior epigastric, external pudenda, profunda femoris, popliteal [23, 26]

Superficial epigastricFemoral Superficial circumflex iliacExternal iliacLateral circumflex femoral (Gorilla [23]), femoral (50% Pongo [23]), external iliac (Pan [23])Femoral [23, 26]
Lateral circumflex femoralFemoralMuscular branches, descendent branch, femur head branchFemoral Ascendant, descendent, and transversalProfunda femorisRamus descendens Profunda femoris (all apes, except 50% Gorilla [23]), femoral (Gorilla to ascendant and descendent ramus [23])Three branches in Pan and Asian apes, five branches in Pongo [23]Femoral, external iliac, [24] profunda femoris [23, 24, 26] Three branches [23, 26]

Superficial circumflex iliacInferior epigastricMuscular branchesInferior epigastric Inferior epigastric (Pan [24]), femoral [23] Inferior epigastric [24], femoral [23]

Profunda femorisFemoral Muscular branches, perforans (1 or 2)Femoral Three perforans branchesFemoral PerforansFemoral [23] Muscular branches,
two perforans branches in 66.6% of Pongo, Pan,  
and Hylobates, three perforans branches in Gorilla [23]
Femoral [23, 26] Three perforans branches [23, 26], lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries and muscular branches [26]

PoplitealFemoral Inferior genicular, common tibial, fibularFemoral Anterior tibial, fibular, superior genicular, rudimentar posterior tibial, media genicularFemoral Anterior and posterior tibial arteriesFemoral [23]Anterior and posterior tibial arteries in all apes, except Pan that divides into a posterior tibial and a common branch for the anterior tibial
and fibular artery, superior genicular branches in all apes and inferior genicular branches in Pan and Hylobates [23]
Femoral [23, 26] Anterior and posterior tibial arteries, superior genicular and inferior genicular branches, sural arteries [23, 26], middle genicular arteries, muscular branches, cutaneous branches [26]

Superior genicularSaphenousPopliteal Popliteal Popliteal [23]Popliteal [23, 26]

Inferior genicularPopliteal PoplitealPopliteal in Pan and Hylobates [23]Popliteal [23, 26]

Anterior tibialCommon tibialMuscular branchesPopliteal Popliteal Popliteal [23]Muscular branches in all apes, except Pan are terminating as dorsal artery of the foot [23]Popliteal [23, 24, 26] Dorsal artery of the foot [23, 26], posterior tibial recurrent, anterior tibial recurrent, muscular branches, perforating branches, anterior medial malleolar, anterior lateral malleolar [26]

Posterior tibialCommon tibialMuscular branchesSaphenous (from popliteal to rudimentaris posterior tibial)Medial and lateral plantarPopliteal Popliteal [23, 24]Calcaneal in great apes [23], medial, and lateral plantar [23, 24]Popliteal [23, 24, 26]Calcaneal, medial, and lateral plantar [23, 26], circumflex fibular, nutrient artery of the tibia, muscular branches, perforating branches, communicating branch, medial malleolar [26]

FibularPopliteal Muscular branches, calcaneal Popliteal Popliteal Posterior tibial in Gorilla and Hylobates, anterior tibial in Pongo, popliteal in Pan [23]Lateral calcaneal, perforating branch in
all apes [23]
Posterior tibial [23, 24, 26]Lateral calcaneal, perforating branch in all apes [23, 26], muscular branches, nutrient to fibula, perforating branches, communicating branch [26]

SaphenousFemoral Superior genicular, anterior and posterior branchesFemoral Suprema genicular, anterior, and posterior branchesFemoral Anterior and posterior branchesFemoral Dorsalis pedis in great apes [23]Descending genicular [23]

Anterior branch of saphenousSaphenous Medium branch, dorsalis pedis lateral, 3rd and 4th dorsal metatarsalSaphenousSaphenous

Posterior branch of saphenousSaphenousMedial plantarSaphenousMedial
and lateral plantar
and lateral plantar

Medium branch of
the anterior branch of saphenous (dorsalis pedis)
Anterior branch of saphenousDorsalis pedis medial, 1st dorsal metatarsal, 2nd dorsal metatarsal Anterior branch of saphenous1st dorsal metatarsalAnterior branch of saphenousDorsal Posterior tibial in Pan, saphenous in great apes [23]Anterior tibial [23, 26]Tarsal, arcuate, first dorsal metatarsal, cutaneous [26]

Medial plantarPosterior branch of saphenousTo hallux, to second interosseous space, a communicating branch, lateral plantarPosterior branch of saphenousPosterior branch of saphenousPosterior tibial in all apes [23]From first to third interosseous spaces in Pan, from second to third ones in Pongo [23]Posterior tibial [23]Muscular branches, communicating branch [26]

Lateral plantarMedial plantarPosterior branch of saphenousPosterior branch of saphenousPosterior tibial in great apes [23]Communicating branch [23]Posterior tibial [23]Muscular branch [26]