Research Article

Heparanase Localization during Palatogenesis in Mice

Figure 4

Light micrographs showing the localization of MMP-9 (a), MMP-2 (b), and MMP-3 (c) in the MES of palate of a mouse embryo at E15.5. (a) MMP-9 reactivity was observed throughout the basement membrane of the MES (arrows). Stroma cells had diffuse MMP-9 labeling. (b) Moderate MMP-2 reactivity was seen in cells of the MES (arrowheads). Stroma cells had weak labeling. (c) Strong labeling of MMP-3 was seen in cells of the MES (arrowheads) and stroma cells. P, palate; O, oropharynx; N, nasopharynx. Bars: 25 μm.