Clinical Study

Low Serum Concentration of Obestatin as a Predictor of Mortality in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients

Table 5

Crude and adjusted all-cause and CVD-related mortality according to obestatin and TNF-α groups1.

Model covariatesLow TNF-α, low Ob. Low TNF-α, high Ob. High TNF-α, low Ob. High TNF-α, high Ob.
HR (95% CI)HR (95% CI)HR (95% CI)Ref

All-cause mortality212 (42.9%)8 (40%)11 (57.9%)8 (29.6%)
   (1) Crude 2.01 (0.82–4.92)0.131.52 (0.57–4.05)0.404.41 (1.74–11.15)0.0021.0
  (2) 1 + age + sex + vintage1.62 (0.65–4.02)0.301.29 (0.48–3.47)0.613.73 (1.43–9.72)0.007 1.0
  (3) 2 + DM + CVD + FMI1.66 (0.63–4.41)0.311.31 (0.48–3.54) 0.603.79 (1.44–10.0) 0.0071.0
Cardiovascular mortality26 (21.4%)3 (15%) 5 (26.3%) 1 (3.7%)
  (1) Crude7.76 (0.93–64.56)0.0584.41 (0.46–42.42)0.20 13.78 (1.59–119.8)0.0171.0
  (2) 1 + age + sex + vintage6.13 (0.72–52.16)0.0963.78 (0.39–36.65) 0.25 10.55 (1.18–94.24)0.0351.0
  (3) 2 + DM + CVD + FMI5.62 (0.62–50.65)0.133.46 (0.35–34.32)0.29 9.92 (1.08–91.36) 0.0431.0

The group of patients who had high TNF-α (defined as TNF-α levels above median) and high obestatin (defined as obestatin levels above median) was used as a reference.
Indicated as the number of deaths and percentage, expressed as a proportion of the total number of patients in the group.
The proportion of deaths was higher in the low obestatin group (in combination with either low TNF-α or high TNF-α) as assessed by test ( for all deaths and for CVD deaths).
All variables were included in regression models as continuous except for categorical variables.
CI: confidence interval; HR: hazard ratio; CVD: cardiovascular disease in the past; DM: diabetes mellitus; FMI: fat mass index; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α; Ob.: obestatin.