Review Article

Treatment of Chagas Cardiomyopathy

Table 1

Clinical Classification of Chronic Chagas Cardiomyopathy [10].

Clinical groupCharacterization

Stage A
Chronic indeterminate Form
Asymptomatic, no significant alteration on physical examination, ECG, chest X-ray, esophagogram, and barium enema. No change on evaluation by sensitive techniques (echocardiogram, exercise testing, Holter)
Stage B Patients with structural heart disease who have never had signs or symptoms of HF
B1Patients with ECG changes (arrhythmias or conduction disorders) may present mild echocardiographic abnormalities (abnormalities of regional contractility), but global ventricular function is normal
B2Patients with global ventricular dysfunction (decreased LV ejection fraction)
Stage CPatients with LV dysfunction and prior or current symptoms of HF (NYHA I, II, III, and IV)
Stage DPatients with symptoms of HF at rest, refractory to maximized medical therapy (NYHA IV) requiring specialized and intensive interventions