Research Article

Effects of Fermentation Temperature and Aeration on Production of Natural Isoamyl Acetate by Williopsis saturnus var. saturnus

Table 3

Effect of aeration on isoamyl acetate concentration, production rate, and specific productivity.

AerationIsoamyl acetate
(mg L−1)
Isoamyl acetate production ratex
(mg L−1 h−1)
Isoamyl acetate specific productivityx
(mg L−1 cell−1 h−1)
Isoamyl acetate/total amyl alcohol ratiox

Aerobic8.84 ± 0.08c0.082 ± 0.0005c0.0037 ± 0.0003c1.71 ± 0.32cy
Anaerobic20.72 ± 0.02b0.432 ± 0.0004b0.0276 ± 0.0011b0.77 ± 0.02b
Semiaerobic118.05 ± 5.59a0.703 ± 0.0333a0.0297 ± 0.0009a1.37 ± 0.60a
Level of significance****

Isoamyl acetate production rate, specific productivity, and ester/higher alcohol ratio were at times when isoamyl acetate concentration reach the maximum. yDifferent letters in the same column indicate significant difference . *: .