Research Article

Effect of Experimental Infection with Haemonchus contortus on Parasitological and Local Cellular Responses in Resistant and Susceptible Young Creole Goats

Figure 6

Eosinophils and mononuclear cell infiltration in the fundic and the pyloric abomasal mucosa under light microscopy of Hemalun eosin-stained section of kids experimentally infected with H. contortus. ((a) and (b)) Abomasal mucosa of control uninfected kids. A few mononuclear cells are scattered along the connective tissue of the mucosa. ((c) and (d)) Abomasal mucosa at 49 days postinfection of challenge 1, density of cells was multifocally increased in the lamina propria of the mucosa. ((e) and (f)) Abomasal mucosa at 42 days postinfection of challenge 2. Circles (ο) show inflammatory cells corresponding mostly to mononuclear and eosinophils cells (see inlet, arrowhead). Bar = 100 μm.