Research Article

Responses of Growth Performance and Proinflammatory Cytokines Expression to Fish Oil Supplementation in Lactation Sows’ and/or Weaned Piglets’ Diets

Figure 1

Relative longissimus dorsi muscle and spleen cytokines expression of weaned piglets born to fish oil-treated or control sows, and piglets fed diets with and without fish oil supplementation during the postweaning period. (a), (b), and (c) were longissimus dorsi muscle cytokines expression; (d), (e), and (f) were spleen cytokines expression. (a) and (d): IL-1β expression; (b) and (e): IL-6 expression; (c) and (f): TNF-α expression. Gene signals were normalized to the expression of the housekeeping gene β-actin optical density signal. CC: all period fed lard diet; CT: postweaning period fed fish oil diet; TC: lactation period fed fish oil diet; TT: all period fed fish oil diet. Data shown are mean values SEM, . *,**: means lactation decrease effect with , ; †,‡: means postweaning increase effect with , ; : means with different letters are significantly different ( ) among groups; : means have no significant difference.