Research Article

Trichostatin A Suppresses EGFR Expression through Induction of MicroRNA-7 in an HDAC-Independent Manner in Lapatinib-Treated Cells

Figure 4

Proteasomal or lysosomal protein degradations were not involved in TSA-induced EGFR downregulation. 231/Lap#6 cells were pretreated with proteasomal inhibitor 5 μM PSI, 5 μM lac, and 1 μM MG132 for 2 hrs (a) or with lysosomal inhibitor 1 μM NH4Cl and 25 μM CQ for 2 hrs (b) followed by treatment with 1 μM TSA or 5 μM SAHA for 24 hours. Total lysates were then extracted and subjected to Western blot analysis with indicated antibodies.