Research Article

HIV Prevention Services and Testing Utilization Behaviors among Men Who Have Sex with Men at Elevated Risk for HIV in Chongqing, China

Table 1

Demographics, prevalence of HIV and Syphilis, sexual behaviors, HIV prevention, and testing mehaviors among men who have sex with men in Chongqing, China, 2009–2011.

Factors % %

Age (years)       Enrollment year    
 18–2583667.6 200951041.2
 26–3530224.4 201048539.1
 ≥36987.9 201124419.7
 Mean (Std.)25 (6.4)Unprotected anal insertive sex  
 Median23 No76561.7
 Range (Q1–Q3)18–65 (21–27) Yes47438.3
Ethnicity    Free condom use in the last year  
 Han120297.4 Never use4910.8
 Others322.6 Sometime use, unsatisfied5311.7
Years of education     Sometime use, satisfied19743.6
 ≤91008.1 Always use, unsatisfied204.4
 10–1227722.4 Always use, satisfied13329.4
 >1286269.6Male sex patterns    
Marital status     No anal sex332.7
 Single109988.9 Definitely insertive22818.5
 Married917.4 Mainly insertive15212.3
 Divorced/widowed463.7 Both45336.7
Full-time work Mainly receptive23018.6
 No76161.4 Definitely receptive14011.3
 Yes47838.6Stigmatized attitudes towards HIV/AIDS   
Permanent Chongqing residence    Mean (Std.)5.9 (3.4)
 No27121.9 Median7
 Yes96878.1 Range (Q1–Q3)0–18 (3–8)
Monthly income in last year   HIV infection  
 <100047938.7 No104884.6
 1000–299954243.7 Yes19115.4
 3000–499915112.2Syphilis infection  
 ≥5000675.4 No117895.1
Sexual orientation Yes614.9
 Homosexual87270.6Received condom/lubricants in P12M  
 Bisexual29523.9 No68560.5
 Others1695.6 Yes44739.5
No. of MSM you know in ChongqingEver had an HIV testing
 ≤1091373.7 No42234.1
 ≥1132626.3 Yes81765.9
Had sex with women in P6M  Received free STI services
 No113491.5 No81872.3
 Yes1058.5 Yes31427.7
Age at first sex with a man (years)  Getting condom from
 ≤1838631.2 CBO or peers25133.4
 19–2978963.7 family members15720.9
 ≥30645.2 sex partner/s11615.4
   CDC staff10914.5
 Medical staff233.1

Note: P6M: the past 6 months; P12M: the past 12 months; STI: sexually transmitted infections; CBO: community-based organization; CDC: Center for Disease Control and Prevention. *Numbers might not add to totals due to missing data. 1Others: heterosexual or unknown sexual orientation.