Research Article

Bortezomib Treatment Produces Nocifensive Behavior and Changes in the Expression of TRPV1, CGRP, and Substance P in the Rat DRG, Spinal Cord, and Sciatic Nerve

Table 1

Primer sequences for RT-PCR.

mRNAPrimer sequencesAmplification product

TRPV1Sense: 5′-gcactcctccctttatgac-3′ 
Antisense: 5′-gccgatggtgaacttgaac-3′
686 bp fragment
(NCBI Ref. sequence: NM_031982.1)

CGRPSense: 5′-ctctcagcagcatgtgggt-3′ 
Antisense: 5′-taactcatttatacttggtttca-3′
554 bp fragment
(NCBI Ref. sequence: NM_138513.1)

-ActinSense: 5′-ccagagcaagagaggcatc-3′ 
Antisense: 5′-gtccctgtat gcctctggt-3′
265 bp fragment
(NCBI Ref. sequence: NM_031144.2)