Research Article

Multipotent Neural Crest Stem Cell-Like Cells from Rat Vibrissa Dermal Papilla Induce Neuronal Differentiation of PC12 Cells

Figure 4

DPC-CM stimulated neuron-like differentiation of PC12 cells. (a) RT-PCR analysis revealed a similar expression for the NTFs NGF, GDNF, and BDNF in DPCs on passage 4 (DPCs-P4) and passage 7 (DPCs-P7), as well as BMSCs on passage 3 (BMSCs-P3) and passage 7 (BMSCs-P7). ((b)–(i)) Neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells. After culturing in DPC-CM for 10 days, PC12 cells grew several neurites from their somas (b), though the lengths of the neurites were shorter than those for positive control groups cultured in BM supplemented with 50 ng/mL NGF (c), but were significantly longer than those for the negative control groups cultured in BM (d). After culturing for 15 days, the neurites of PC12 cells cultured in DPC-CM increased in length (e). The neurites of the positive control groups interlaced to form a net (f). By contrast, the negative control groups proliferated but bore no neurites (g). Immunofluorescent cytochemical staining demonstrated the neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells that expressed 3-Tubulin (h) and NF-200KD (i). Scale bar = 40 μm ((b)–(g)) and 20 μm ((h), (i)).