Research Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Artemisinin and Precursor Derived from In Vitro Plantlets of Artemisia annua L.

Table 2

Antimicrobial activity of artemisinin (6 mg/mL) isolated from three clones of A. annua L., streptomycin (6 mg/mL) as positive control and acetonitrile as negative control tested by disk diffusion assay.

MicroorganismsInhibition zone (mm)
Artemisinin Control
TC1TC2HighlandStreptomycin (positive )Acetonitrile (negative)

Bacillus subtilis
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacillus thuringiensis
Escherichia coli
Salmonella sp.
Candida albicans

Values are mean inhibition zone (mm) ± SD of three replicates.
Mean values of inhibition zones of each microorganism followed by the same alphabet were not significantly different (Tukey test, ).