Research Article

Transferrin-Conjugated SNALPs Encapsulating 2′-O-Methylated miR-34a for the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma

Figure 1

FACS analysis of the surface expression of TfR in SKMM-1 cells. SKMM-1 cells were cultured for 24, 48, and 72 h and the expression of CD71 (TfR) was evaluated at FACS as reported in Section 2. The intensity of TfR expression was represented as % of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) calculated by comparing the MFI of cells incubated with antibodies with that of cells incubated in PBS. A significant increase of MFI was observed in cells labelled with anti-TfR (empty squares) if compared with that of cells labelled with irrelevant IgG1 (full squares) suggesting a significant expression of TfR on the surface of SKMM-1 cells. Each value was the mean of at least three different determinations performed in three different experiments. Bars, SEs.