Research Article

Local Overexpression of V1a-Vasopressin Receptor Enhances Regeneration in Tumor Necrosis Factor-Induced Muscle Atrophy

Figure 4

Downregulation of NF-κB pathway in muscle over-expressing V1aR. (a) Western blot analysis revealed that TNF overexpression promotes downregulation of IκBα with concomitant upregulation of the phosphorylated form of NFκB (p-NF-κB-p65) expression. By contrast, p-NF-κB-p65 expression was significantly reduced in muscle overexpressing TNF and V1aR together compared with TNF alone. The expression of native NF-κB-p65 does not reveal significant differences between the various samples. (b, c) Densitometric analysis of two independent experiments for phospho-NF-κB-p65 versus native NF-κB-p65 (b) and IκBα versus GAPDH (c) expression. ; by Student’s -test.