Research Article

Designing Peptide-Based HIV Vaccine for Chinese

Table 2

Predicted HIV T helper cell epitopes for Chinese population.

Amino acid sequencesProtein destination1HIV%2DR%3Total 
Specific coverage5Reference6

WIILGLNKIVRMYSPGag 26543%89%41%40.72%Younes et al., 2003 [18]
PVVSTQLLLNGSLAEEnv 26238%74%34%27.73%August et al., 2013 [19]
VQMAVFIHNFKRKGGPol 89224%93%23%9.79%NA (IEDB)
LRIIFAVLSIVNRVREnv 70224%96%26%4.39%Sette et al., 2005 [20]
ILDLWVYHTQGYFPDNef 12712%63%10% 5.37%Sette et al., 2002 [21]
LNKIVRMYSPTSILDGag 28425%100%25%1.81%Korber et al., 2001 [22]
WGIKQLQARVLAVEREnv 58822%87%20%1.25%NA
VDRFYKTLRAEQATQGag 297T15%98%15%1.17%NA
GFPVRPQVPLRPMTYNef 859%65%6%0.84%Korber et al., 2002 [23]
TPGIRYQYNVLPQGWPol 29523%93%22%0.78%NA
VDRFYKTLRAEQASQGag 297S15%98%15%0.71%Bozzacco et al., 2012 [24]
RQLLSGIVQQQSNLLEnv 54927%83%26%0.56%NA
GLIYSKKRQEILDLWNef 1176%67%5%0.50%NA
KPCVKLTPLCVTLNCEnv 12617%89%16%0.28%NA
YKRWIILGLNKIVRMGag 27243%89%41%0.24%Sette et al., 2002 [25]
PLTFGWCFKLVPVDPNef 14411%52%11%0.21%NA
FGWCFKLVPVDPREVNef 1474%93%4%0.24%NA
LYKYKVVKIEPLGVAEnv 4896%100%6%0.14%Dzuris et al., 2001 [26]

Total specific coverage798.1%

The location of epitopes on HIV viral gene products and the first amino acid of the viral gene product.
2The epitope sequence presented in the proportion of 821 HIV genome sequences.
3The epitope sequence presented in the proportion of 46 DR alleles.
4The ratio of the epitope appeared in both 821 HIV genome and DR allele sequences.
5Calculated based on the coverage of the epitope in the rest of the dataset after removing the preceding epitope.
6Reference where the epitope had been published. NA: not available in published literature.
7Sum of specific coverage for all 20 epitopes.