Research Article

Interaction of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Aerobic Granular Sludge: Biosorption and Microbial Degradation

Table 3

Band assignments for FTIR spectral features.

Wavenumber (cm−1)Assignment and vibration typeSurface functional groups

3200–3600–OH and –NH overlapping stretching vibrationPolymeric compounds and amine
3400–3550–OH sharp stretching vibrationPolymeric compounds and amine
2925–CH2 asymmetric stretching vibration
2852–CH2 symmetric stretching vibration
2471–OH stretching vibration
1638C=O and C–N (amide I) stretching vibrationProtein (peptidic bond)
1550–1450C–N stretching vibration and N–H (amide II) deformation vibrationProtein
C–OH and –CH3, –CH2 stretching vibration
1483C–C stretching vibration
1385–COO stretching vibrationAmino acids
1066C–N stretchingCarbohydrates and nucleic acids
1030C–OH, –CH2 stretching vibrationPhosphorylated proteins and associated alcohols
1200–1000C–O stretchingCarbohydrates and nucleic acids
<1000“Fingerprint” zonePhosphate or sulphur functional groups
900–600Ring vibrationAromatic amino acids and nucleotides.
874, 763C–C in plane bending
698Ring in plane bending